Unlocking the Mysteries of Your Characters

Ever struggled with writer’s block (or creative block, as I like to call it)? If you’re a writer, you’ve probably been there at least once in your life. That daunting monster can pummel you, crushing ideas at the source (or so you may think) with any number of its nasty techniques. The last time I experienced that[…]

Tosca Lee: Fanning the Flame

Today I have a special guest on the blog. Welcome author Tosca Lee and her insight into inspiration. ~ The Source of the Spark This is what I think about inspiration: that it happens all the time. We have these tiny spark moments where we think, “What if…” or “I wonder what that would be[…]

Capturing Inspiration

Inspiration is a tricky thing. I’ll always remember the night I finished my first novel. It was a meandering, unplanned, angsty beast I spent most of my high school career working on, and I really had no idea where I was going. Then, one Friday night, I watched Empire Records for the first time. As[…]

Guest Writers — Aaron Pogue

Some of us have a hard time coming up with ideas. The blank page. The pristine canvas. That dreaded waiting, blinking cursor. But there are others with no shortage of ideas. Maybe you’re one of them, drowning in so many projects (and potential projects) that you can’t possibly complete all of them in one lifetime.[…]

Create Limits

Infinite Possibilities I love beginning a new project, but there’s something about that pristine page that can be very intimidating. I can remember many times (back when I used to draw often) sitting down with my sketchpad and pencil and staring aimlessly at the paper, trying to summon inspiration from its blank whiteness. I never[…]

The Creator’s Image

In my early twenties, I began writing about a girl named Sunny in what I thought would be my first novel. I found my inspiration for her name (also to be the book title) from Frank Sinatra’s song by the same title. I loved that song. I listened to it in the car, in my[…]

Do the Opposite

My Story A little over a year and a half ago, I decided to try a creative experiment. With no prior experience in the field, I wondered if I had it in me to write a book – a full-length novel – from start to finish. The question nagged at my mind like a dare[…]

Tell a Story

Stomp My husband and I were watching the amazing group Stomp on Netflix live streaming the other night (if you don’t have a Netflix account then you need to get one because it’s awesome). We’re both big fans and even had the opportunity to sit on the third row of one of their shows in[…]