Why character matters in story – #amreading #suspense #dystopian

One of my goals for 2016 is to discover 10 new authors this year. To this end, I began a series called The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda. This book isn’t just fascinating because of its bleak dystopian civilization or the young main character who is forced to pretend he is a blood-craving, light-fearing, emotionless member of the night-dwelling[…]

A Year of Great Fantasy Reads: July @wynnechanning #YA #Paranormal

It’s 2014 and we’re celebrating with an awesome fantasy-themed calendar. This calendar is for the background on your computer and you can get this month’s image below. Each month will feature a different book or series, so if you want to challenge yourself, try reading each book or series that is featured before each month[…]

Things I Like: Super Powers

It’s not much of a secret: I’m a sucker for stories about people with super-human abilities. Superman. X-Men. Heroes. Smallville. Even Twilight wooed me with vampires* that have special gifts. I had a realization when I began my current novel. This is the first story I’ve written that hasn’t involved super powers of one type[…]