Things I Like: Super Powers

It’s not much of a secret: I’m a sucker for stories about people with super-human abilities. Superman. X-Men. Heroes. Smallville. Even Twilight wooed me with vampires* that have special gifts. I had a realization when I began my current novel. This is the first story I’ve written that hasn’t involved super powers of one type[…]

Ways to Foster Imagination

With every post I write, I hope to help you discover inspiration for those times when you might experience creative block, when you’re in a funk or when you just need that perfect, tantalizing idea to give your project momentum. Inspiration is a bit like creative candy – it’s not necessary to getting the project[…]

When You Run Out of Imagination

Do you ever feel less than inspired? Do you ever wish you were more imaginative or had better ideas? I recently came across this quote by William Faulkner that I found quite encouraging. “A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the[…]

Back to the ‘Hood (Childhood, That Is)

Childhood is a time of worry free adventure and fun. It’s filled with imagination and free play and big dreams. For most of us (myself included), childhood is a thing of long ago. It is buried deep in the past somewhere under all of the jobs and bills and responsibilities that forced us to grow[…]